Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dear Mr President

so I wrote to the president...

There is a forwarded email making the rounds about the President and Congress not participating in the new health care plan. My first thought was "why?" but of course, realistically, if you can afford better care you buy better care. While that is rational, the next thought lead me to question the philosophy and direction of America in these current times.

It has been said that American companies produce inferior products, drugs, technology, to sell in the third world because they do not know any better and have no choice but to buy the inferior products.

Is the government, are our elected officials treating American citizens like the people of a third world country?

I understand the health care bill is geared to provide health care for the millions who do not have it, but what feels wrong is that government officials still get better treatment than the people they represent.

If elected government officials had to accept the same health care that all Americans are offered, they would have real incentive to pass a fair and adequate health care plan that provides the best health care in the world for all Amercians.

Unless the leaders of the U.S.A. no longer want to lead the world.

I would appreciate to know what our leaders think about this.


yes, the U.S. president...

wonder what the response will be...

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