Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Torn Between Phones

So the iPhone died suddenly and there's nothing backed up or recoverable. The software just froze with the apple on it after a restart. The geniuses at the apple store couldn't figure it out. the phone rings and makes the text message sound, but the screen is frozen. The home button doesn't work, so a hard restart is not happening. Some company apple sent me to wants $800 - $2000 to attempt data recovery. Right.

So now I am torn between Android and Apple. The S9 is supposed to be good right now. A chinese phone is possibly better, but the big phone companies won't touch it because of rumors of the chinese government spying on phone users. Part of the lies our government is telling us these days or just another country/corporation spying on us? Like Facebook, for instance. Collecting and selling personal information is a trillion dollar business.

Then there's the iPhone. So many flaws, yet still, the hype sells.

Not being able to open it and do a battery reset is one of the deal breakers. A bigger deal breaker is not being able to back up the phone without the internet. But I am so used to it after two years, or is it three. Samsung's bloat is a deal breaker, but the phone is so much better that the iPhone on so many levels, including price, size, screen resolution, cameras, contacts, and the list goes on.
